Friday, November 17, 2017

Your lost account recovery did not tell me how to recover my account. I have no problem getting into my account but there's nothing there. All my emails in every folder and tab are gone, and when I send myself a test email, it says 'I've sent it from the trash' it doesn't show up. I don't know if anyone else has sent me an email, but it looks like I don't exist anymore.

Summar: I'm in my account. I see nothing that says "recovery" and where i do find "recover" it doesn't say how to recover anything (but there's tons of verbage about passwords, et al.) As per below:

Recover your Google Account

If you deleted your Google Account, you have about 2–3 weeks to recover it. If your account is restored, you'll be able to sign in as usual to Gmail, Google Play, and other Google products.
  1. Follow the steps to recover your account. You'll be asked some questions to confirm it's your account.
But 1. only takes my back to my account, and there's nothing there that helps me recover my account. It's all just a loop.

Please, someone help. I'm totally dependent upon this email account.

Ray Bright

Friday, November 25, 2016

Dear Petey:

I’d marked this day out months ago for evaluating my naming convention ala PPL. The results are in It was a massive fail. To my knowledge, only MISH has read the book. She wants to read it again before comment. Suggesting it’s at least readable. Which is better than being called out for ‘making fun’ of people, and that would round out the PPL reaction to date. My assumption that we were ‘readers’ was where it all went wrong, I guess. Guess cuz I got no data.

Luckily, the book sells well and gets good reviews. I’m big in the UK. I’ve been interviewed in various literary POD casts, and I’m generally happy with how it’s been received . . . outside of the PPL. This naming thing was my own fault. I was sure PPL readers would love the unique experience of reading a story where they didn’t have to imagine what the characters looked like, or how their voices sounded, and what their personalities were. They’d have that movie going on in their heads with their real life friends playing all the parts. What could go wrong?

Anyway, I’m telling you this cuz you’re the only one I’ve confided in about the book at all. Thanks for the ear, and remember: writers always love their villains the most.
